We developed CI_Works with the intent of creating a manufacturing friendly collaborative workspace in a more affordable location than Boston with the flexibility in leasing that early stage companies require to succeed in challenging times. But, a brewery? I do like beer. My initial question related to compatibility with other companies. How will a brewery fit in amongst other manufacturers? Am I having a NIMBY moment myself?
So, what do you do – you talk to other tenants and ask what they think. It was a resounding – GO! Then, as I began to understand what a brewery does – they manufacture a product, package it, market and sell it, and grow revenues. They even use some of the tooling in the building previously utilized by the prior tenant – electrical, other utilities, through roof venting for steam, loading and shipping docks, and the ambience of a 125 year old mill building in Amesbury. The real kicker for me was when I asked Stevie Bareford – owner / brewer – about how large he wants his brewery to be, and he answered that ‘he wants to produce the best beer possible and never outgrow that ability’. That was the hard sell for me……..that BareWolf belongs @CI Works. Did I mention that they make really good beer? Unfortunately, permitting in Massachusetts was no easier for BareWolf than anyone else and included the unnecessary delays and overlaps, piles of paper, and redundant over reach that Massachusetts is famous for. We could not help connect those dots and streamline anything.
The presence of the brewery here will actually improve the environment for interactions between tenant businesses and increase the sense of community here. People will be able to take a few minutes at the end of a very busy and challenging day and unwind, relax, and share experiences. Did I mention that they make really great beer? There will probably be some commiseration related to experiences involved too. BareWolf will also be an excellent showpiece for CI Works and will bring potential tenants to our location through a non-traditional attraction to a manufacturing center.
Join us for a really GREAT beer and participate in BareWolf’s success!