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MA Clean Energy Center Visit to CI Works on April 26 at 2:30pm

Steve Pike, CEO of the Clean Energy Center and members of his team will be visiting CI Works on Friday, April 26. There are multiple reasons that we are pleased to have Steve back again to Amesbury:

Amesbury is a Green Community and has benefited financially through the support of the Clean Energy Center and related programs promoting energy efficiency, savings, water conservation, and increased use of energy from renewable sources. This will represent an opportunity for both the City and the Clean Energy Center take a check in on both progress and subsequent opportunities available.

CI_Works has received an award from the Clean Energy Center in 2016 that we utilized to deliver an internet connectivity network to all of our tenants throughout multiple buildings and a 3D printer. Measured in terms of dollars and utilization, it has produced a great return and used every day. We have subsequently upgraded all of the lighting within 11 Chestnut St. with LED’s that should cut building electricity use by approximately 20%, have plans for a 180 kW solar roof project being designed by tenant – Summit Energy, and also plan to add an electric vehicle dual charging station that will be accessible at no charge to tenant employees, visitors to CI Works and through the Amesbury network.

Multiple CI_Works tenants have also been awarded funding through different CEC programs – like Innovate and Catalyst over the past 5 years that have been critical to their discovery work, prototyping, and most recently in ‘go to market’. Participating tenant companies include:

o Blackburn Energy

o Building Envelope Materials


o Resolute Marine Energy

This meeting also provides a checkpoint for these companies and the Clean Energy Center as to progress made, test results completed, and significant achievements accomplished as well as future direction. It is amazing to watch these companies interact, share ideas, and benefit from others’ experience. We are pleased to now have Stellaris – ClearPower – smart windows including photo-voltaic electricity generation as one of our tenants. They will also be able to connect with the Clean Energy Center.

In addition, has recently been awarded a second Clean Energy Center award in March – Catalyst – to study how their metal roof product can not only be used to capture thermal energy to be

used in heating a buildings – but also in cooling the building during summer month. We look to celebrate this award as part of this Clean Energy Center visit to Amesbury.

And what better place to celebrate than in a craft brewery – BareWolf. BareWolf has proven to be environmental stewards in selecting energy and water efficient equipment in brewing, LED lighting throughout their space, and recycling used grains by donating to area farms as foodstock. What in that pedigree would not be appealing to Clean Energy Center representatives over a casual beer on a Friday afternoon???

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